joi, 31 decembrie 2009

Ioana - Sabina va multumeste :

- Cristina Opris
- Sergiu Geamanu
- Irina Pavliuc
- Ion Andritoiu
- Patran Florin
- Szabo Horatiu
- Bolboaca Gabriel
- Gheorghe Soresc Anca-Luana
- Uifalean Mircea-Calin
- Oana Vinte
- M.Marius-Nicolae
- Mihai Adrian Ionescu
- Bulache Ioan-Veniamin
- Catana Ana-Gabriela
- Sinca Florin-Eugen
- Niculescu Luminita-Mariana
- Media Link Communication SRL
- Pogana V.
- Popa Alina-Mirela
- Cupsa Liliana Daniela
- Spac Igor
- Luminita Taranu
- Si desigur,celor care au dorit sa fie anonimi.

luni, 28 decembrie 2009

Ioana - Sabina va multumeste :

Elena Cobaschi
Pop Mihaela Paunita
Firtat Simona - Anca (din partea GMP Advertising)
GMP Advertising
Roman Mihaela - Daniela
Rusu Ioachim Daniel
Marinela Mitria
Feceoru Adina-Georgiana
Istratescu Radu Alexandru
Toader Andreea Cristina
Ispravnic Dragos-Ionut
Taralunga Ana Maria
Georgescu Adrian - Sorin
Bahcevanii Adina Mariana
Florin R. Coman
Relenschi Constantin Mircea
Creita Aurelia Dana
Timisescu Paulina
Palibroda Nicolae
Manea Rares
Polgar Andrei
Dumitrescu Ecaterina
Florin Grigore
Ovidiu Popescu
Stroe Mircea
Filip Endresen, Silvia
Serbanescu Dan-Marius
Niculescu Maria Magdalena
Musteata Mona Alina (din partea fam.Dumitru)
Ciobotaru M.G.
Si desigur,celor care au dorit sa fie anonimi.

Situatie financiara - 28 decembrie 2009

vineri, 25 decembrie 2009

Craciun fericit - Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noel

Craciun fericit si multa sanatate tuturor.
Merry christmas and good health for all.
Joyeux Noel et une bonne sante pour tous.


Situatie financiara - 25 decembrie 2009

duminică, 20 decembrie 2009

Ioana-Sabina multumeste tuturor,

celor care au ajutat-o sa faca un "pas" catre doctorul Philippe Monnier:

Alexandra Oguey,Roxana Panaitescu,Cosmin Radoi,Sinca Florin Eugen,Danes Marian-Nicolae,Dan Corina Paula, Neamtu Cristina- Alina,Musteata Mona Alina,Stanescu Dan,Alexandra Pol,Fane Ioana Olga,Gheorghe Valentin,Ciobanu Andreea - Daniela,Tobosaru Diana,Dan Poltorac,Daniela Gavrilescu,Razvan M Radu,Calin Costin-George,Pandele Sandel Cristian,Sendroiu Dan,Cracan Raluca,Munteanu Tereza,Pecheanu Daniela,Tudor Valentina,Gurau Lucretiu Paul,Tufa Laura Simona,Madalina C Puiu,Alexandra Rosulescu,
Balaj Ioana - Alina,Tibacu Dan Alexandru,Firac Daniel Augustin,Nicolau Bogdan - Silviu,Grigoras Marius-Robert,Teodorescu Adriana Miruna,Bastuceanu Ileana Paulina,Juverdeanu Bogdan-Petru,Tarca Andrei,Marinescu Daniela-Ramona
Chivu Romeo Daniel,Ciobanescu Sorin,Goga Cristina Florina,Amariei Elena- Lidia,Marilena Mitra,Maris Emilia- Diana,Sova Clement- Viorel,Dimitriu Alexandra,
Mares Mihai Aurelian,Todea Nicolae,Niculescu Manole- Stefan,Paun Ioana,Popescu Adina,Sirghe Aristitza-Anca,Yellow Business SRL,Munteanu Raluca - Daniela,Banaru Carmen - Marcela,Padureanu Aurelia- Ramona,Negrean Radu,Scripcaru Elena Roxana,Tudor Mihaela si celor care au dorit sa fie anonimi.
Nu in ultimul rand,le multumeste prietenilor ei din Group Graffiti BBDO Bucuresti.
Tuturor le uram Craciun Fericit,Sarbatori frumoase, un An Nou plin de bucurii,realizari si multa-multa Sanatate!
Cu mult drag, Sabina,Ramona si Sabin care vor sa ajunga la timp la Laussane
Doamne Ajuta!

My Baby Girl’s Story

I don’t know how to start this off. All I know for sure is that we need help.
She was born on the 31st of October 2008 in Bucharest. She was 3.3 kilos (7.3 lbs), Apgar score 9.
I remember how I experienced that 31st of October, the moments before her birth up to the minute they brought her to me and I held her in my arms for the first time. I was so incredibly happy.
Until that same evening, when problems came up. The doctors did a medical check on her and diagnosed her with:
- complete common atrioventricular canal, Rastelli’s type A;
- persistent arterial canal;
- severe lung hypertension.
I have to say there were no problems during the pregnancy. We did all the medical tests on time; they could find nothing wrong with our baby’s heart.
After the post-birth diagnosis, she was catheterized at the Central Military Hospital. Then we were scheduled for hospitalization and surgery in Târgu Mureş. She had her heart operation done there. And then after-surgery complications appeared. Because of that we spent three months in various hospitals. We got back home last night.
This is what happened: three days after she’d been admitted to hospital she got an enteroviral infection. Another three days later, rhinopharyngitis. They catheterized her to assess her pulmonary resistance. Following the catheterization she got pneumonia. It was only after one month in hospital that Dr. H. Suciu was able to perform surgery on her. He told us afterwards that out of the 120 cases of complete common atrioventricular canal Rastelli’s type A that he had operated, our daughter’s was the most severe.
The surgery was 70-80% successful. However, due to severe pulmonary hypertension, a series of extubations and intubations followed. The intubation lasted two weeks. Then they had to perform tracheostomy on my daughter. So we stayed on for two more weeks, until they transferred us to the Marie Curie Hospital (Budimex) in Bucharest. That’s where we spent another two weeks. She had endoscopy done and that’s when we finally found out the diagnosis: it’s postintubation grade IV glotto-subglottic stenosis.
She needs two other surgical interventions. Their success depends mainly on the doctor’s surgical abilities. This type of surgery isn’t available in Romania, but only in Lausanne, Switzerland. It must cost a fortune(60000 euro).
I’m typing these lines and my hands are shaking. It’s been very tough so far. I’ve no idea how tough it’s going to be from now on. Sometimes I just don’t know what else I can do, how to do it, how to think about it.
I just know this one thing: I love my baby girl and I want this larynx problem solved. Because of the cannula she can’t make any sound. At times she can barely breathe, and that’s risky. For the moment we’re aspirating her ourselves. It’s really hard and…

This is our email:
Sabina blog:
We’ve opened these accounts:
Account Holder : Orbulescu Ioan-Sabin
Romanian currency (RON) account: RO03 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7010
Euro account: RO24 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7020
Swift Code: INGBROBU
ING Bank, Bucharest branch

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2009

Situatie financiara - 16 decembrie 2009

Situatie financiara

In primul rand,
multumim mult tuturor celor care au donat bani pentru operatia fetitei noastre scumpe,Ioana-Sabina.
Momentan sunt in conturi:
- 7033 lei
- 5140 euro
Ne mai trebuiesc inca 53000 de euro.Sa speram ca-i vom avea.
Doamne ajuta.

P.s.- multumim din suflet.

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009

Financial estimation

Lausanne, November 26th 2009

Financial estimation concerning the future stay of your daughter Ioana-Sabina ORBULESCU, born 31.10.2008, in our establishment

Dear Mrs Orbulescu,

The overall estimate for the hospitalisation of your child with general insurance is
CHF. 75'000.--. This estimate is yet to be confirmed as we do not currently have all the relevant details, this depends on the evolution of the treatment.
The additional fees for the surgical team, which are approximately of CHF. 5'000.--, are included and are also to be paid by you.
For the members of the European Union, you must take the E112 form with you,- delivered by your insurance company -, and hand it in on your arrival at the CHUV.
With this form you will be eligible for GENERAL INSURANCE only.
If you're unable to supply us with this form, a deposit of CHF. 90'000.-- (ninety thousand swiss francs) will be required at your arrival as a guarantee. The balance will be returned to you at the end of the stay.

The transfer can be done on the following bank account :
- in favour of : Hospices Cantonaux / CHUV :

 Banque Cantonale Vaudoise : account number E 0328.70.70
Bank Clearing 767
IBAN CH65 0076 7000 E032 8707 0
 CCP 17-441803-8
In order to easily identify the motive of the payment, please mention "deposit for + name and first name of the future concerned patient".
Overnight accommodation can be arranged for the parents at the Foundation Interval (2 min. by foot from CHUV). This costs CHF. 90, -- a day (room accommodates one to four people) and is not included in this overall estimate.
If I can be of any further assistance, do no hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards
Carole Pilloud
In charge ENT surgery program

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

Povestea fetitei mele

Nu stiu cum sa incep, insa stiu sigur ca avem nevoie de ajutor.
Ioana Sabina s-a nascut pe 31 octombrie 2008 - Bucuresti.
La nastere a avut 3300 grame, scor Apgar 9. Imi aduc aminte, ce momente minunate am trait in acea zi de 31 octombrie, incepand cu momentele pregatitoare nasterii si pana la momentul cand mi-a fost adusa si am tinut-o in brate. Eram nespus de fericit, pana seara, cand au aparut problemele.
Medicii i-au facut analize si au pus diagnostic:
- canal atrioventricular comun, forma completa,tip Rastelli A
- canal arterial persistent
- hipertensiune pulmonara severa
Sarcina a decurs fara probleme, cu toate analizele facute la timp. Cu toate acestea, nu s-a putut depista problema grava de la inimioara.
A urmat un cateterism la Spitalul Militar Central, apoi programarea pentru un alt cateterism la Tg.Mures.
La 3 zile de la internare in spitalul de la Tg. Mures, a facut enteroviroza, dupa alte 3 zile, rinofaringita . A urmat cateterismul (pentru masurarea rezistentelor pulmonare). Dupa cateterism, a facut pneumonie.
Dupa aproape 3 luni de stat prin spitale ne-am intors acasa la Bucuresti. O luna fetita noastra a mai prins ceva puteri.
A urmat din nou Tg. Mures. La o luna de la internare: operatia. Dr. Horatiu Suciu, ne-a spus dupa operatie ca a fost cel mai grav caz de canal atrioventricular comun, forma completa, tip Rastelli A, din 120 de cazuri pe care le-a operat. Operatia, a reusit in proportie de 70-80%.
A urmat o serie de extubari si intubari, toate din cauza hipertensiunii pulmonare severe.
Ioana a stat 2 saptamani intubata.
Au aparut complicatiile: escoriatii la nivelul laringelui. Pentru a putea respira fara a fi conectata la tubul de oxigen, s-a hotarat efectuarea traheostomiei. Dupa 2 saptamani necesare stabilizarii respiratiei cu ajutorul canulei, ne-au transferat la Marie Curie (Budimex).
Aici i s-a facut endoscopie, diagnostic: glotto-subglottic stenosis grad 4 (postintubational).
Operatia nu se poate face in Romania. Reusita depinde de maiestria doctorului la care vom apela.
Trebuie sa aplicam la formularul 112, aproape inaccesibil in momentul acesta in Romania.
Pentru reusita operatiei vor fi necesare cel putin 2 interventii, la Laussane (Elvetia). Costurile sunt mari(60000 euro).
Imi tremura mainile, cand scriu aceste randuri. Pana acum a fost foarte greu. Cum va fi in continuare, nu stim.
Uneori nu mai stim ce sa facem, cum sa facem, cum sa gandim, pentru a lua cele mai bune decizii pentru fetita noastra.
Stim un singur lucru: ne iubim fetita si vrem sa rezolvam urgent aceasta problema de la laringe, pentru ca ea sa poata respira si vorbi normal. Avand canula, nu poate scoate nici-un sunet.
Uneori are mari dificultati de respiratie, riscante.
Acum o aspiram noi, acasa, unde am amenajat un colt de spital: aparat de aspirat, aparat de oxigen, umidificator, tubulete ...
E foarte greu si……

Adresa de email:

Am deschis urmatoarele conturi :
Cont Lei : RO03 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7010
Cont Euro : RO24 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7020
cod Swift : INGBROBU
al ING Bank sucursala Bucuresti
Titular cont: Orbulescu Ioan-Sabin

miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2009

L’histoire de ma petite fille

Je ne sais pas comment commencer, mais je sais avec certitude que nous avons besoin de votre aide.
Ioana Sabina est née le 31 Octobre 2008 à Bucarest. Elle avait  3,3 kilos
(7,3 lbs), score d'Apgar 9.
Je me souviens ce que j¹ai vécu des moments ce jour la, le 31st Octobre,
commencent avec les moments avant sa naissance jusqu'à la minute quand
Ioana a été amenée et je l'ai tenue dans mes bras pour la première fois.
J'ai été extrêmement heureux mais le soir, elle avait deja des problèmes. Les médecins ont fait ses analyses, et le resultat, vous l'avez ici:
- Canal atrioventriculaire commun, le type de Rastelli A
- Persistance du canal artériel persistant;
- Hypertension pulmonaire grave.

Je dois dire que avant sa naissance tout c'est déroulée sans problème.
Nous avons fait tous les tests médicaux à temps, ils ne pouvaient trouver
rien de mal avec la coeur de notre bébé.

Après le diagnostic, à 3 mois, elle a été sondé à l'Hôpital militaire
central à Bucharest. Après ca, nous sommes allés à l'Hôpital du Tg. Mures,
et après trois jours Sabina a contacté l'enterovirose. Après 3 jours,
Suite à un cathétérisme Ioana Sabina c'est la pneumonie.
Apres presque 3 mois a l'hopital nous sommes rentres a Bucarest.
Après une mois Ioana Sabina souffrait d'une chirurgie cardiaque à l'Hôpital du Tg. Mures. Le docteur Horatiu Suciu nous a dit il a été le pire des cas de canal atrioventriculaire commun pleine forme, tip Rastellii A (dans 120 cas sur lesquels il a opéré).
L'opération a réussi 70-80%.
On lui a fait une série de extubtion / intubation, tout cela parce qu'elle avait une hypertension artérielle pulmonaire sévère.
Ioana Sabina a passé deux semaines intubé et voila les complications deja.
Deux semaines plus tard nous avons été transférés à l¹Hôpital Marie Curie (Budimex-Bucharest). Ici nous avons été tenu deux semaines. Après l'endoscopie nous avons reçu un diagnostic:
glotto-subglotic stenosis grad 4 (postintubational).
Mais, malheureusement, l'opération ne peut pas etre effectue en Roumanie.
Le succès de l'opperation dépend de l'habileté du docteur.
Nous devons applique au formulair E112, presque inaccessible en Roumanie.
Pour la reussie de l'opperation, on aura besoin de deux opperations a Laussane (Suisse). Les coûts sont élevés(60000 euro).
Il me tremble les mains quand j'écris ces lignes.
Je ne sais pas comment tout ca va se developer.
Parfois on sais pas quoi faire, comment faire, comment penser.
Je sais qu'une chose: j'aime ma fille et je veux résoudre cette problemme du larinynx care pour l'instant elle ne peut ni respirer ni parler normalement.
Avec la canule Ioana Sabina ne peut émettre ni meme un son. Elle a parfois du mal à respirer.
A la maison, nous avons fait un coin, c'est presque un mini hopital avec touts les trucs dedans: masques de oxygene, des appareils, des tubes, tout ca.
c'est tres tres difficile...

Notre email:
Nous avons ouvert ces comptes:
Titulaire du compte: Orbulescu Ioan-Sabin
Monnaie roumaine (RON) compte: RO03 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7010
Compte en Eur: RO24 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7020
Swift Code: INGBROBU _ING Bank, succursale de Bucarest

sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2009


Azi dimineata,la ora 9:36 am implinit un anisor.
Doamne ajuta.

vineri, 30 octombrie 2009


Acum 2 saptamani ,am inceput sa facem kinetoterapie.
Avem de facut cate 3 sedinte pe saptamana.
Sabina face progrese mici,dar sunt evidente.
Urmeaza sa insistam la muschii de la maini,acolo stam mai putin bine.
Dr.Monnier inca nu ne-a raspuns.
Sa speram ca vom reusi sa ajungem la dumnealui si sa facem cu succes operatia la laringe.Trebuie sa scapam de canula.Nu putem respira bine(normal),nu putem vorbi sau rade.
Doamne ajuta.

miercuri, 30 septembrie 2009

control periodic la Tg.Mures

Aseara,ne-am intors de la Tg.Mures.Am fost la controlul periodic la inimioara.
Situatia nu este roz.Inca nu stim,daca va fi cazul unei operatii la inima sau nu.Vom vedea,de la control la control.
Mai jos am atasat si documentele,de la controlul efectuat la inimioara.

P.s.- de la dr.Ph.Monnier(Laussane-Elvetia),inca nu am primit devizul.

marți, 15 septembrie 2009


In urma numeroaselor intrebari,am decis sa fac anumite precizari.
Operatia trebuie facuta la laringe.
Diagnosticul este stenoza gloto-subglotica grad 4,forma completa(postintubationala).
Costul operatiei inca nu il stim.Urmeaza ca dr.Monnier(Laussane) sa ne trimita un deviz.
Mentionez ca la Marsilia,aceeasi operatie costa 43000 euro.
Dr.Monnier,ne-a promis un cost umanitar.Sa vedem, voi posta dupa ce primesc devizul de la Laussane.

marți, 8 septembrie 2009

luni, 24 august 2009

My Baby Girl`s Story

My Baby Girl’s Story

I don’t know how to start this off. All I know for sure is that we need help.

She was born on the 31st of October 2008 in Bucharest. She was 3.3 kilos (7.3 lbs), Apgar score 9.

I remember how I experienced that 31st of October, the moments before her birth up to the minute they brought her to me and I held her in my arms for the first time. I was so incredibly happy.

Until that same evening, when problems came up. The doctors did a medical check on her and diagnosed her with:

- complete common atrioventricular canal, Rastelli’s type A;

- persistent arterial canal;

- severe lung hypertension.

I have to say there were no problems during the pregnancy. We did all the medical tests on time; they could find nothing wrong with our baby’s heart.

After the post-birth diagnosis, she was catheterized at the Central Military Hospital. Then we were scheduled for hospitalization and surgery in Târgu Mureş. She had her heart operation done there. And then after-surgery complications appeared. Because of that we spent three months in various hospitals. We got back home last night.

This is what happened: three days after she’d been admitted to hospital she got an enteroviral infection. Another three days later, rhinopharyngitis. They catheterized her to assess her pulmonary resistance. Following the catheterization she got pneumonia. It was only after one month in hospital that Dr. H. Suciu was able to perform surgery on her. He told us afterwards that out of the 120 cases of complete common atrioventricular canal Rastelli’s type A that he had operated, our daughter’s was the most severe.

The surgery was 70-80% successful. However, due to severe pulmonary hypertension, a series of extubations and intubations followed. The intubation lasted two weeks. Then they had to perform tracheostomy on my daughter. So we stayed on for two more weeks, until they transferred us to the Marie Curie Hospital (Budimex) in Bucharest. That’s where we spent another two weeks. She had endoscopy done and that’s when we finally found out the diagnosis: it’s postintubation grade IV glotto-subglottic stenosis.

She needs two other surgical interventions. Their success depends mainly on the doctor’s surgical abilities. This type of surgery isn’t available in Romania, but only in Lausanne, Switzerland. It must cost a fortune(60000 euro).

I’m typing these lines and my hands are shaking. It’s been very tough so far. I’ve no idea how tough it’s going to be from now on. Sometimes I just don’t know what else I can do, how to do it, how to think about it.

I just know this one thing: I love my baby girl and I want this larynx problem solved. Because of the cannula she can’t make any sound. At times she can barely breathe, and that’s risky. For the moment we’re aspirating her ourselves. It’s really hard and…

This is our email:

We’ve opened these accounts:
Account Holder : Orbulescu Ioan-Sabin
Romanian currency (RON) account: RO03 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7010
Euro account: RO24 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7020
Swift Code: INGBROBU
ING Bank, Bucharest branch

Ajutor operatie dupa alta operatie

Aseara,ne-am intors acasa dupa aproape 3 luni de stat prin spitale.
Am fost la Tg.Mures pentru operatie la inimioara.
La 3 zile de la internare,a facut enteroviroza.Apoi,dupa alte 3 zile,rinofaringita . A urmat un cateterism(pentru masurarea rezistentelor pulmonare).Dupa cateterism,a facut pneumonie.
La 1 luna,de la internare,am facut operatia.Dr.H.Suciu,ne-a spus dupa operatie ca a fost cel mai grav caz de canal atrioventricular comun,forma completa,tip Rastelli A,din 120 de cazuri pe care le-a operat.
Operatia,a reusit in proportie de 70-80%.
A urmat o serie de extubari si intubari.Toate din cauza hipertensiunii pulmonare severe.Am stat 2 saptamani intubati.Apoi s-a hotarat efectuarea traheostomiei.Am mai stat inca 2 saptamani,pana ne-au transferat la M.Curie(Budimex).
Aici am stat inca 1 saptamana.I s-a facut endoscopie si am aflat si diagnosticul: glotto-subglottic stenosis grad 4(postintubational).Operatia nu se poate face in Romania.Reusita depinde de maiestria doctorului la care vom apela.
Pentru acest lucru trebuie sa apelam la acel formular 112,aproape inaccesibil,din cate am aflat.
Vor fi necesare cel putin 2 operatii,la Laussane(Elvetia).
Costurile sunt mari,banuiesc.Imi tremura mainile,cand scriu aceste randuri.Pana acum a fost foarte greu.Cum va fi in continuare,nu stiu.
Uneori nu mai stiu ce sa fac,cum sa fac,cum sa gandesc.
Stiu un singur lucru,imi iubesc fetita si vreau sa rezolv aceasta problema de la laringe.
Avand canula,nu poate scoate nici-un sunet.Uneori are dificultati de respiratie,mari si riscante.Acum o aspiram noi.E foarte greu si......

Adresa de
Am deschis urmatoarele conturi :
Titular cont : Ioan-Sabin Orbulescu
Cont Lei : RO03 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7010
Cont Euro : RO24 INGB 0000 9999 0157 7020
cod Swift : INGBROBU
al ING Bank sucursala Bucuresti
Ioana-Sabina,Ramona,Ioan-Sabin Orbulescu
P.S.- va multumim.